Sunday, June 5, 2016


Growing up I was a very active child. I never wanted to sit still, actually it felt like I never had the ability to sit still. I was tested for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which is a facet off of Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.). Turns out I have it, meaning that I get distracted easily, and people would always tell me just focus. However that was never even in my options, I couldn't, so early on in life I was put on Medication to help manage my A.D.D. because it's not a disease or something to be cured it's a learning disability. As I got older and learned what A.D.D.  meant it all started making sense. I could have five different things going on all at once and not have a problem, it wasn't that I wasn't able to focus it was that doing just one thing bored me. I was bored, I wasn't lazy I wasn't confused. I wasn't being taught right, I wasn't being stimulated enough.

Anyways, growing up I would play outside a lot because I had to keep moving, I really had no other choice. My brother is five years older than me, he taught me so much about sports and he taught me a lot about life as well through sports however I don't think he knows he ever did. When you grow up playing sports even if it's just recreational, you learn a lot of life lessons. And so many of those lessons are very valuable to building good character. First when you fall, get back up, try it again, you will never succeed if you don't get back up. There have been many times when we were playing basketball that I would fall and I remember him telling me get back up. Every time I did, every time I fell I got right back up and I still do today. He taught me how to hit a baseball, he would say slice the ham, don't chop it (up and down) and nobody wants a triangle shaped ham, right down the middle. My brother was my hero, he still is, yeah there were a couple of bad times, but what I admire most about him was that even through those hard times he kept getting back up and kept trying.

Life is hard, your going to get knocked down, knocked out of bounds. The point of life is to remember those moments, let those moments drive you, let them push you harder. I adopted a motto not two long ago about 3 years ago, I don't scare easily, and I don't give up. My passion, is working hard, because at the end of the day i'm going to give it everything I've got because that's what I was taught. Give it 110 nothing less.

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