Friday, July 17, 2015

Never Grow Up!!

Love, the glorious four letter word that every grown-up strives for. So many say that it happens when its supposed to happen. I have been chasing after something I thought was love for so long, but what I didn't know was that I wasn't chasing after love, it was the idea. There are so many romance movies out there that set up this idea of what love should be like, what it should look like. I wanted that, and I was willing to do anything for it, I was even willing to loose myself in the process. They say getting older makes you wiser, that's very true, it has come to my attention that I have been searching and fighting for something that wasn't obtainable, it wasn't realistic.
What does love mean to me? To me love is pure and genuine and unique to the individual. Love is something that makes your heart beat faster, makes you skip a breath. It could happen instantaneously or it could grow over time. Love means never having to lose yourself while trying to obtain love. This four letter word can mean so many things to so many different people, but no matter who the individual is it holds one name, Love.
Here is what I know about this four letter word. I know that no matter what happens in my life, love is something that will knock me off of my feet, even if I know its coming. Here's why, love is not about the person your with it's about you. Love is what happens when your by yourself thinking about a memory that maybe that special someone has shared with you, and you can't help but let out a little giggle. It's not the person you shared that memory with its the moments and memories that you created with that person that made you giggle.
I love, love. The heartbeat you had no idea you had, the idea that there is someone out there that you have never even met, that all of the sudden makes you smile uncontrollably.
Here is the kicker, Love does not have to be purely romantic, it could be your best friend, a sibling a relative a parent. Not too long ago I met my best friends, and its funny I never thought that I could be so utterly happy and content with not having a boyfriend. I always thought that I had to have a boyfriend, I guess I just need my two best friends. They are the best ladies I have ever met.
Love means never having to grow up, its the uncontrollable laughter. The quirkiness of the stupidest joke that no matter what makes you stop and laugh. Of course there is always the part of a scripture in the Bible that fits perfectly, Love is patient, Love is Kind...

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