Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Someone had to Say It!!

Women's rights!! Women all around the world have never been seen as equal. In the fifties women stayed at home and did all the housework and raising the children. Then there was a women's movement, where women started entering the workforce. We as women worked mainly for the big man, something that hasn't changed. It is 2016 people, women work just as hard as men, sometimes even harder, because they get up in the morning with the kids, get them ready for school and get them off to school with breakfast in there stomach's and lunch in their backpacks. Then we get ready and we head into work, we work just as long as men do, sometimes our kids are put into after school programs. We give them rides to their after school activities, come home with dinner magically on the table. We help the children do their homework and get them ready for bed, after the children are in bed we clean up the kitchen and then, FINALLY we get our free time, but guess what now WE ARE TOO TIRED!!!
Here is where things must change, guess what, we do all this without being asked, why? Well someone has to do it... and I can't say that no man is willing to do this. There are some men in this world that understand this because there are single fathers in this world.

Those people that don't give a crap how women are treated are the one's I am speaking to. Let me just say when you don't notice all the hard work we do it makes us mad. Then you go and say wow she is a sassy piece of meat. I just recently got out of a situation where I felt like I was being treated differently because I was a female. I was doing a lot of work and nobody was listening to me when I had good ideas however when MY ideas came out of a male's mouth all of the sudden they were put into play. I'm getting fed up with being treated like a piece of meat with no real good ideas. As a lady we don't get acknowledged as smart or someone with worthwhile ideas.

Let's just talk about the music video's out there, i'm all about looking sexy and feeling pretty. However I have to draw a line when it comes to being treated as just another booty to chase. Hello, I have feelings I have a soul and a brain, i'm not just long legs, I really don't have a booty or boobs. But the teenage, young adult girls who are practically wearing swimsuits EVERYWHERE showing off their everything is not helping the situation.

Yeah I know this post was kind of all over the place but, I recommend next time when someone starts treating you as if you are just another piece of meat with nothing else but body features, challenge the standard. Show them that you are more than just boobs, butt's, legs, whatever else. I dare you, and when they return with some degrading comment just look them in the eye and tell is that what you would say to your momma!!!

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